5 Eco-Friendly Pet Product Ideas

by Megan Kioulafofski
4 minutes read
man with dog

The Rise of Eco-Friendly Pet Products

A lot of people nowadays, including many pet owners, are turning towards solar energy and other environmentally friendly living options in an attempt to solve the many problems related to toxic waste.

While the use of eco-friendly pet supplies and recyclable materials helps keep our environment clean, there are also important health benefits to be considered. Opting for eco-friendly pet products for dog care and grooming can improve your animal’ s existing health conditions and lead to a longer life expectancy.

Use of Solar Panels

If you or your pet have poor respiratory health or issues like allergies and asthma, the instalment of solar panels in your community can bring overall well-being improvements for both you and your furry friends.

The more homes will use panels to harness solar energy, the less fossil fuel burning will exist. This means less carbon particulates in the atmosphere that can reach your lungs through the air you breathe in.

The absence of these carbon particles to block the breathing process, will allow your body to absorb more oxygen into the lungs and as a result, both your and your pet’s breathing will improve.

Using Compostable Dog Waste Bags

An eco friendly littering bag is probably the most useful eco-friendly pet product that one can buy.

For sustainable waste management, it is better to use compostable dog bags which you can find in a large variety online. And if you’re into making your own eco-friendly pet supplies, you can easily turn any old newspaper into a zero-costs dog bag.

Organic Pet Food and Treats

Nowadays, more and more pet owners are preferring organic pet food over processed ones.

Organic pet food is free from harmful preservatives and flavorings that can lead to various health conditions like rashes, difficulty in breathing, itching, swelling, etc.

Organic food can be slightly expensive, however, it can improve the overall health and fitness levels of your pet. This results in less visits to the veterinarian, more road trips and longer walks without your best friend getting tired and lethargic.

Using Natural Air Purifiers

Not only does less carbon in the air mean fewer respiratory problems, but it can also lead to the overall improvement of your pet’s health.

Carbon pollution is one of the main reasons for poor heart health in many pets, especially dogs. Because of this issue, their cardiovascular health can deteriorate so much that they might even suffer from a heart attack.

Although heart failure in dogs is very rare, it can still happen and no pet-owner wants to risk that.

The good thing about using solar panels and other methods of sustainable manufacturing on a wide scale, is that the quality of air can improve considerably within just a few weeks. As a result, your pooch will breathe in cleaner air and its heart will receive oxygenated blood more smoothly.

using eco friendly pet products

Organic Pet Accessories

When talking about eco-friendly pet products we shouldn’t forget that every pet owner probably needs collars and leashes.

So why not treat your dog to a bamboo or hemp collar?

These collars are super comfortable and lightweight, and do not put any excessive pressure on the dog’s tender throat.

Eco-friendly collars and leashes are readily available both online and in many stores but if you don’t want to spend money you can even make your own leash from used climbing ropes.

Chew Pet Toys

Today, it is not that hard to get eco-friendly toys for your animals since the demand for these types of products is high. Many pet owners already know by now that chewing toys that are made of toxic materials, such as plastic can be incredibly harmful for pets, and are searching for healthier options.

Luckily, there are several non toxic eco-friendly pet product options available that your pet can chew on.

Toys made of bamboo are non toxic and eco friendly, and if you search online, you will find plenty of pet stores that sell pet products made of bamboo like beds, bowls, toys, leash, etc.

Other green options you can consider when in search for interactive dog toys, are made from organic cotton, hemp or recycled fibers.

Water Bowl

Eco friendly pet bowls are far safer and healthier for pets than plastic. Allowing our pets to drink water from plastic recipients and bottles can lead to many health risks including toxic food poisoning.

We cannot stress this enough…

If there is one material that you need to stop buying, that’s plastic!

While bowls made of ceramic or stainless steel can be a much better alternative, the best option is probably bamboo.

Bamboo bowls are unbreakable, non toxic and eco friendly. Therefore, by having fewer toxic compounds, these eco-friendly pet products will lead to healthier and safer lives.

eco-friendly pet supplies for healthier soil

The Final Takeaway

As you could see from our post, eco-friendly and organic pet products should be your go-to option if you care about the environment and your pets’ health.

In addition, by using eco-friendly pet supplies in your household you will improve your own quality of life too. Some of these benefits can be seen instantly, while others will emerge over time.

What we suggest is that you initiate a drive or campaign to convince more and more pet owners in your community to opt for eco friendly pet products.

Only through our added efforts can we create a cleaner environment that benefits everyone.

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