Home Energy Conservation Tips & Techniques for Each Room

by Megan Kioulafofski
5 minutes read
plug and socket

Best Ways To Save Energy At Home 

In 2021, learning some efficient energy conservation techniques should be a priority, especially when it comes to your home. Luckily, saving energy in your household is a lot easier than it seems! Not only will energy efficiency have a positive impact on the environment, but lowering your home’s energy intake can lower your utility costs and help you identify and correct wasteful habits.

From the kitchen to the living room, there are many ways to save energy in your home. And, for the most part, these tips are inexpensive and easy to complete. Once you start applying them, they can even become a part of your daily routine. With that being said, here are our best home energy-saving tips for each room in your house.


The kitchen may be one of the most-used rooms in your home: between cooking meals, entertaining guests, and eating snacks, the kitchen is a great place to relax and experiment with food. 

However, the kitchen is also full of energy-eating items like refrigerators, lights, stovetops, and other appliances. That’s why it’s extremely important to be mindful of your energy consumption in the kitchen.  With that being said, here are some conservation techniques to limit your energy usage in the kitchen:

  • Stock up your refrigerator to limit overworking the motor: refrigerators run best when they are full, since cooling an empty fridge is a waste of energy.
  • Be mindful about leaving appliance doors open, especially your oven and fridge. This will cause your appliances to work overtime since the air is escaping.
  • Reevaluate your kitchen supplies to see if they’re energy-efficient. An electric tea kettle will use less energy than a stovetop, while copper pots get hot quicker and require less energy from your stove.
  • Use a dishwasher instead of handwashing, since dishwashers use less water on average than hand washing.

Home office

After the COVID-19 pandemic, working from home is more common than ever. And with the added energy in your home, it’s so important to monitor your energy usage. Luckily, conservation of energy in your office is a quick and easy fix if you follow these techniques:

  • Use power strips to easily power off your electronics when they’re not in use.
  • Avoid charging your electronics overnight since most mobile devices and tablets require only a few hours to fully charge.
  • Use a laptop instead of a desktop computer to avoid energy usage from monitors and large desktop setups.
  • Avoid overhead lighting and use smaller lighting like lamps to lessen your lighting bill.


Between showers, beauty routines, other steps in your day, the bathroom can be a real energy eater. However, you don’t have to give up hot water if you are looking to improve the conservation of energy. By utilizing these techniques, the bathroom can still have all the luxuries you love while also being eco-friendly and energy-efficient:

  • Limit water usage by turning off your sink after you wet your toothbrush, as you scrub your face, or for any short period of non-usage. This will add up in the long run!
  • Upgrade your water fixtures by installing a low-flow showerhead and checking your sink for drips.
  • Air dry your hair instead of using a blow dryer.
  • Install motion sensors to regulate your energy bill with ease.

Laundry room

Doing your laundry is important. However, it may come at a price, especially for your energy bill. Making your laundry room an eco-friendly place will not only help the environment, but can also save you up to $50 in annual utility costs. So, here are some energy saving tips to change your laundry routine and stay clean without breaking the bank:

  • Only wash full loads of clothing: while this means more folding, it also means fewer loads to complete along with less overall energy usage.
  • Air dry your clothing to not only keep the quality of your clothes, but to also save money on your energy bill.
  • Use cold water to wash clothes. This is not only great for your fabric, but is also a great way to save some extra cash on utilities.

Living room

Finally, the living room is one of the most family/friend-centric places in your home. Whether it’s family movie night, playing video games with your friends, or simply binging your favorite show once the work-day is over, the living room is an entertainment mecca. However, with this usage of electronics, it’s very important to monitor energy efficiency to help the environment and your bank account, With these being said, here are some energy conservation techniques for the living room:

  • Buy a Smart Home Assistant to monitor energy usage at any time during the day, even when you’re away from home. Through an app on your phone, you’ll be able to control living room systems with ease.
  • Unplug entertainment devices when they aren’t in use, just be sure to save your progress in your game!
  • Opt for LED lighting as opposed to incandescent bulbs, which use more energy.

Energy Saving – Final Thoughts

By improving your home’s energy efficiency, you’re making a serious positive difference in the environment. After some time, these quick energy saving tips will become a habitual part of your routine and, in turn, will make your home an ecocentric, green friendly place. The earth (and your bank account) will thank you! 

To help you on your energy-saving journey, here’s an easy-to-follow infographic with eco-friendly tips and techniques for energy conservation in each room in your home:

home energy saving tips

Source: HomeAdvisor.com

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