How To Increase Solar Panel Efficiency

by Megan Kioulafofski
7 minutes read
Increase Solar Panel Efficiency

In the past few years, solar energy usage has exploded in popularity. But with not enough knowledge about solar panel installation and functionality, many are left wondering how to increase the efficiency of solar power. 

In this blog we’ll have a look at why choosing the right solar panel output can make or break your experience of going green. We’ll also discuss some of the best solar panel alternatives for those wishing to stay away from plastic.

With climate change being considered one of the greatest threats to biodiversity, shifting towards energy efficiency, fossil fuels reduction, and waste management are vital to our planet. Solar panels are a great source of energy conversion proficiency. However, when choosing a solar system for your home, you should make sure that it doesn’t contain any plastic elements, especially if you are trying to live a genuinely eco-friendly existence. Also, keep in mind that solar panels do not work unvaryingly under all conditions, and there are certain factors that can affect efficiency.

With this being said, what factors affect solar panel efficiency? 

And how can solar energy efficiency be improved?

How To Increase Solar Panel Efficiency?

If you are looking for how to increase solar panel efficiency and performance, consider following these steps:

    • To improve solar transformation, ensure that the panels are facing the right way
    • Adjust solar panel orientation throughout the year
    • Balance production and consumption
    • Keep your solar panels clean and debris free
    • Use a monitoring system

How Are Solar Panels Made?

If you are committed to green living solutions and you want to ensure that you are not adding extra plastic to landfill sites, you should research how solar panels are built. While it is possible to have plastic-free solar panels, you should review all of your options before sourcing your chosen option. 

Alternatives to Solar Panels?

If you want to know how to increase solar panel efficiency in the most eco-friendly way possible, there are many different alternatives to commercial solar panels that do not include plastic. You could investigate the following options that create an efficient solar energy using natural resources, and thus allowing you to keep ethically centred in an eco-friendly way of life.

Solar Lights

Solar lights work independently of the leading electricity network and their functionality is based on a solar battery rather than a power cable. The solar module captures sunlight via a photovoltaic effect, also called a solar cell technology, and converts it into direct electrical current.

Sun Tunnels

Sun Tunnels are a creative addition to any area of your home where it’s too much shade, and where it has not been possible to gain the benefits of natural light. The sun tunnel channels sunlight from the roof to the specified room below, through a highly reflective tube. 

Solar Shingles

Also known as photovoltaic shingles, solar shingles are an integral photovoltaic (PV) building product, They mimic the appearance and function of conventional roofing materials. while performing their core task of generating electricity.

Solar Ovens

Solar ovens use solar energy to emit heat and light from the sun, enabling you to cook your food simultaneously. Solar ovens can also be used to pasteurize water and sterilize equipment.

Solar Air Conditioning

Solar photovoltaic air conditioning has the highest efficiency when it comes to converting sunlight into electricity. The air conditioning unit works the same as a typical split system, through an array of solar cells interacting with the sun.

Solar Water Heater

If you want to know how to increase solar panel efficiency, and are open to alternatives too, solar water heaters can provide your home with an endless supply of energy, with no CO2 emissions during the time the solar heater is in operation. It is a cost-cutting means to generate a constant renewable energy source, and it uses less energy to heat a medium-sized room. Solar thermal systems can be easily integrated into the existing heating systems within your home. If you want to learn how to make your own solar water heater, you can learn some interesting tips and tricks by following this link.

And If you are looking for other means of generating your electricity, here’s some further information on the following methods:

How To Make Your Own Solar Panels?

We know that you came on this page looking for how to increase solar panel efficiency. But did you know that you can make your own solar panels in a way which is not only efficient, but also cost-effective and plastic-free? 

Want to find out how? Follow these steps:

    • Prepare the backing of your panel. For DIY solar panel builders use a wooden board as the base for the solar cells. When building the board, you should drill holes in the board so that wires for each cell can pass through the board.
    • Wire all of your cells together. If you don’t know electric work, you can engage an electrician to solder all of the cells in place.
    • Attach the cells to your backing board. This approach will ensure that you can easily replace a single cell if it is not working effectively.

Going Back To Nature

The use of solar panels and alternative forms of generating the energy we need in our homes is moving forward rapidly. But let’s take a moment to look at our future and while taking a quick look at the past as well. There are striking revelations into how we can generate electricity in the future that will blend naturally with our natural environment, and support it rather than damaging, or destroying it. And with new technologies and natural resources coming constantly into view, energy sources may soon be derived from the oceans and volcanoes

Whichever route or option you decide to take, think green and think about the planet. The choices you make today will affect generations to come. Hoping you enjoyed our post on how to increase solar panel efficiency and how to take advantage of DIY alternatives when wishing to live plastic free, we encourage you to have a look at some of our other articles too:

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